by Admin Account | Feb 2, 2022 | BY YOUTH FOR YOUTH, Youth Partners
Certificates, diplomas, work you did, and micro-credentials? Micro-credentials are the modern way of proving your knowledge in specific areas. These are the future for key resume builders and a must-have when attempting to attain industry-specific jobs. What are...
by Admin Account | Jan 11, 2022 | Community Partners, HOT OFF THE PRESS, ON THE ROAD, Youth Partners
Future North — A Network for Youth was officially launched on social media (Instagram and Facebook) at the end of Summer 2021. This launch was preceded by a year of engagements, planning, iterating, and replanning with youth in the district of Sudbury-Manitoulin, to...
by Admin Account | Dec 3, 2021 | BY YOUTH FOR YOUTH, Youth Partners
Written by: Charles Nyabeze Hey everyone! My name is Charles Nyabeze and I’m 17 years old and I work as a Business Administration Intern at Future North. This blog is going to take a look at barriers that youth face within employment and specifically, how entry-level...
by Admin Account | Nov 24, 2021 | BY YOUTH FOR YOUTH, Youth Partners
Written by Charles Nyabeze @Charles1 I have had the dream to start a business since I was 14 years old. In my final year of high school (I am now in my first year of university), my team and I built a Web3 Rewards Platform called BitPerks, where we allowed creators to...
by Admin Account | Nov 12, 2021 | BY YOUTH FOR YOUTH, Community Partners, HOT OFF THE PRESS, Youth Partners
The Brand Identity and Digital Strategy project’s goal was to develop an in-depth understanding of youth and how to best engage, recruit and maintain youth participation. Additionally, the project served to create a virtual platform to enable youth to...