Written by: Raphy Falardeau, former Interim Community Engagement Coordinator at Future North
Future North came into my life at just the right time. I was 24, living in New Liskeard and restless. I was working for a non-profit, doing work I really loved, but receiving no support or appreciation from my board. Without these much needed qualities, I had reached my limit of what I could achieve.
I was hired at Future North in April of 2022 as the Interim Community Engagement Coordinator. After working a month online from New Liskeard, I moved to Sudbury to live with my partner and 12 year old cat to start a new adventure. Quickly, I saw that this organization was nothing like the one I had previously worked for. Hours of scrolling on Pinterest was replaced with creating social media content. Instead of sitting at the office all day, I was running around going to photoshoots, meeting M.P. Viviane Lapointe and completing a City contract. It was exactly what I wanted to do with my life.
It’s been almost two years since then. I’ve grown from assisting to co-creating and managing my own campaigns, running social media series, partnering with local businesses and sitting on boards. It didn’t only feel part of the team, but also part of Sudbury (this was new to me, as I’m a Cambrian alumni and had lived in Sudbury for three years prior.)
Future North did more than boost my resume, it also made me confident in what I could accomplish. So many of my skills that went untouched at my previous work became the cornerstone of who I was as a person and an employee, such as organization, marketing and creating relationships.
I am now moving on to work at Habitat for Humanity as their Fundraising and Marketing Coordinator. I am very sad to leave Future North, but unfortunately, due to an unsure financial future for the organization, I’ve had to take care of myself.
If you ever have doubts or uncertainties about Future North, rest assured that they are the most passionate and hard working team. They have a “we’ll fight for you” mentality and are always willing to lend out a helping hand. They are also fun, honest and friends of mine. Thanks to working at Future North, I have developed so much as a person and have met incredible people that are willing to fight for our community. I’ve also had the privilege to work alongside incredible youth. They surprised me so many times with their passion for anti-racism, equity and youth leadership.
Whether you’re a member of the community, student, youth or looking for opportunities, set your eyes on Future North.